Extension projects

We believe science, education and community are indissociable. At LaPAM we perform community outreach projects with undergraduate students from the Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine courses. The LaPAM serve as headquarters to the development of these projects.

Young Bioscientist
Projeto Biocientista Mirim

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A World Without Science is an initiative of  Young Bioscientist project, you can watch below:

Experiences of high-school students working at ICB, USP through Young Biocientist Project


Experiences of undergraduate and graduate students working at the Young Bioscientist Project


Coordinators: Dr Renata Furlan, Dr Ana M. Guimarães and Dr Gladys Bussab

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Rondon SP Project

The largest extension project in Brazil. 

Coordinators Rondon SP: Prof Lindebergh de Morais, Prof Antonio Bongiovanni (in memoriam).

Discover the project